Friday, July 6, 2012

Anderson Cooper 'The fact is I'm gay' Finally Comes Out [Anderson Cooper] Here's a Photo of In His Undies That He Probably Didn't Want Anyone To See to Obnoxious Airline Passenger 'Bitch What Are You Doing' 'That Fact Is Gay' As TV's First Openly Gay Prime Time Anchor Bullied Bus Monitor Rejects Apology from Abusive Kids Doesn't Believe Donated Money Real [Bullying] A History Cooper's Open Secret [Video] Celebs Congratulate After Coming Mocks Amanda Bynes for Obama Tweet Kathy Griffin Needs Be Careful I Hope One Day Announcements Like Will Not News Andrew Garfield's 'SpiderMan' Debuts Strong at Midnight! Cusses PhotoSnapping Plane Sarah Jessica Parker & Gordon Parks Gala! 10 Best Celeb Quotes This Week ANDERSON COOPER KATHY GRIFFIN WARNS OF TOUGH TIMES AHEAD Thanks Fans Support Chely Wright Calls Him 'Inspiring'

Anderson Cooper: gay role model? "Did you hear the news? Anderson Cooper came out," I heard one guy tell another on the elevator at the magazine where I work. "Is it really 'coming out' when everyone already knew you were gay?" the other guy joked. To media insiders in New York City, Cooper's sexuality may have been no secret, but to the rest of the world, his romantic inclinations were a mystery -- an ever-present and ... Joshua Estrin: Anderson Cooper Is Gay. So What! Cooper is many things to many people. He has and continues to make his mark on the world and deserves to be recognized not only for his accomplishments, but also for what clearly drives him as a man and as a human being. Andrew Miller: Unlike Anderson Cooper, Many Out LGBT Journalists Paid the Price and Paved the Way It is not Cooper who will clear the career paths for a new crop of out gay men and women; it is those journalists who paved the way for Anderson Cooper's career, which has been largely free of the burden of anti-gay discrimination. They are the original risk takers and role models. IHT Rendezvous: Anderson Cooper's Coming Out Rattles China's Closet In a surprising -- or not -- example of our interconnected world, the public declaration of a celebrity journalist inspires people a world away, living in much harsher circumstances. Waymon Hudson: Cultural Comfort Levels: Anderson Cooper, Coming Out, and Visibility Visibility is why coming out is still a vital part of the fight for equality. Having a high-profile LGBT person come into people's living rooms daily and doing their job well can help remove some of the "otherness" of gay people and increase cultural comfort levels. John Becker: On Anderson Cooper and the 'Private Lives' of LGBT People How often do we hear about the boyfriends/girlfriends, fiancés, spouses, or even the one-night stands of our straight friends and co-workers? Yet as soon as LGBT people enter into the discussion, love and sexuality become a matter of a person's "private life"? Give me a break. 'Proud of Anderson Cooper There's been an outpouring of support from celebrities and CNN readers alike after CNN's Anderson Cooper publicly acknowledged Monday that he's gay. Anderson Cooper — very carefully, cautiously — comes out of the closet on TV Take Out the Trash Day Anderson Cooper very cautiously came out of the closet on TV Take Out the Trash Day, in an e-mail to longtime pal/The Daily Beast columnist-blogger Andrew Sullivan. "The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn't be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud," Cooper said in the e-mail , which Sullivan said he had Cooper's permission to share with the world. Read ... Anderson Cooper: The fact is, I'm gay … CNN's Anderson Cooper has come out of the closet as a gay American man. Anderson Cooper: "I'm gay, always have been" TV personality/journalist confirmed he's gay on Monday in a letter written to The Daily Beast
Key Words: Anderson Cooper


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