'Super moon' bad news for Tuvalu A "super-moon" will be a novelty for New Zealanders on Sunday, but for the 12,000 people of Tuvalu it is a foreboding practice for a future where rising seas make their homeland uninhabitable. 'Super moon' to rise over New Zealand A "super moon" will rise in New Zealand skies on Sunday. 'Super moon'will put on a show Saturday night Saturday promises to be a big day in the lunar calendar, with the full moon coming as close to Earth as it will all year. Dubbed a "super moon," it will be 14 per cent closer to Earth and 30 per cent brighter than when at its farthest point. Moon imitates Phoenix Jones, will become 'super moon' Superheros and super villains are all over the news in Seattle thanks to masked vigilante Pheonix Jones, and now the moon is getting jealous. It's planning its own "super" appearance this weekend, causing collective Seattle to roll its eyes and feign a yawn. Come on, moon. We are so over super things. It's not like the moon even understands what it takes to be a superhero. NASA tipped us off ... Weekend: Super Moon! A free Franklin Canyon hike looks up. Plus: Free Comic Book Day, Music Video Festival, Dance Downtown, Kentucky Derby Photo Credit: Super Moon Super Moon Saturday: Will the weather cooperate? A "Super Moon" is on the way Saturday night! At 11:34 PM the full moon will be 27,000 miles... Not just a full moon, it's a super moon If this weekend's full moon looks bigger and brighter than normal, your eyes aren't deceiving you. You will be looking at what is called a super moon -- the biggest full moon of the year. 'Super moon,' eclipse, Venus transit are sky highlights Don't look to the heavens for signs of apocalyptic prophecies coming true. But over the next month, the skies will offer several interesting sights, including a solar eclipse and a rare view of Venus crossing the sun. Super moon coming Saturday night SEATTLE - If the skies clear on Saturday, we could get a glimpse of the "super moon." The moon will be at its closest to Earth at the time it turns full, making it appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than a normal full moon. According to NASA, the scientific term for the phenomenon is "perigee moon." Full Moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the Moon's orbit. The Moon ... Super Full Moon Expected Saturday Night (CNN) – Not only will there be a full moon this weekend, it will be a "Supermoon." Now that doesn't...
Key Words: super moon
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