Friday, February 3, 2012

Top official quits some affiliates upset over KomenPlanned Parenthood rift Planned Action Center Bloomberg to Match Funds To Women torn by Komen decision on Groups Claim Cut $$ Over Abortion Theory Shattering the Susan G. Pinkwashing severs ties with Comment Colorado of foundation join outcry pulling funds from CEO says politics didn't cause break Editorial | Komen's defection denies funding pull was politically motivated faces backlash for cutting breast cancer charity growing Indiana benefiting between national group confronts grant cuts will end breasthealth program in Palm Beach County

Indiana Planned Parenthood benefiting from rift between national group, Komen charity The Susan G. Komen for the Cure's decision this week to cease funding for Planned Parenthood has not come without consequence. Planned Parenthood Supporters Rally After Komen Cuts Supporters are rallying around Planned Parenthood after renowned breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure decided to cut breast screening grants to the reproductive health organization. Breast-cancer charity comes under fire Komen faces pressure over its decision to cut breast-screening grants to Planned Parenthood. Komen vs. Planned Parenthood An announcement by the Susan G. Komen for a Cure Foundation to pull funding from Planned Parenthood sent shock-waves through women's health supporters. Supporters rally around Planned Parenthood The GOP Presidential candidates' race for delegates is only just beginning. More>> Planned Parenthood, Komen affiliates in Hampton Roads react to withdrawal of funds The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, the world's largest network of breast cancer survivors and activists, announced Wednesday that it would no long grant funds to Planned Parenthood Federation of America for breast health education and cancer screenings. NY mayor in pro-choice group gift New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will donate $250,000 (£158,000) to women's group Planned Parenthood after a major cancer charity cut its grants. Planned Parenthood files suit to restore funding NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Affiliates of Planned Parenthood have filed a lawsuit against the state Health Department to restore funding. Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee and Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region filed the lawsuit Thursday to restore preventive care funding under the HIV Prevention Services and the Syphilis Elimination grant programs. Planned Parenthood, which ... Women advocates decry Komen move The annual Planned Parenthood luncheon in Tampa couldn't have been more timely. Planned Parenthood sees unexpected rise in donations Komen Foundation's withdrawal of support stirs outrage After the Susan G. Komen Foundation announced it would no longer provide Planned Parenthood chapters with funding for breast cancer screenings, there has been an unexpected development – an uptick in individual donations to Planned Parenthood.
Key Words: planned parenthood


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